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Your Guess Is As Good As Mine: Sid Hall

: combee

Sid Hall



Where the Wild Things Are: A Lenten Series“Your Guess Is As Good As Mine” by Sid HallReadings:1 Corinthians 13:8-13Rainer Maria Rilke, in a 1903 letter to his protégé, the 19-year-old cadet and budding poet Franz Xaver KappusLent is a time in the life of a spiritual community where we focus on the in-between-ness of life, a time when it feels like the Spirit has cast us into wilderness. Like Max in the children’s book Where the Wild Things Are, we rarely enter into wilderness deliberately or enthusiastically. But wild things come whether we want them or not. What if, like Max, we discover that the monsters are just as afraid of us as we are of them? What if we can befriend the monsters and re-purpose their energies to create the building blocks for what is next—and necessary—on our journey?(Image: Where the Wild Things Are mural, Thundercloud Subs, Burnet Road)Presented by Trinity Church of AustinOpen Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. No Exceptions.