Details Of The Book
  • ThumbnailOrphanogenesisDec3.mp3
  • ThumbnailOrphanogenesisDec3.ogg

Orphanogenesis: joe schacher

: themansestudio

joe schacher


j. schacher - composer gary kulesha - conductor michael schulte - solo violin Orphanogenesis elucidates the birth of a very special child. This child comes into being not as a combination of two people's genetic material, but as a spontaneous construct with only the most basic common threads coming from many sources. She is "everyone's child". Her journey begins in a morass of personalities - a beautiful cacophony of contrasting characters. Within this cloud of chaos, the child first finds a window into her own identity in the form of a touching song of ancient origins. Emerging as a singularity, she soon finds comfort wrestling with the ancient melody and through it finally finds her own voice. As this piece is clearly a 'beginning', its ending is pensive and introspective rather than complete.