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(2015/12/07) #LPH: CNN and MSNBC's shameful media circus, VICE's gross "First Date" series, the Christmas Shoes song is really sad: Citizen Radio

: sketch

Citizen Radio



Episode #1369: Sally (@sallyt) and Katharine (@spkheller) join the show for Lady Power Hour! Old white dudes really don’t understand the concept of personal music devices, Erick Erickson allegedly shoots the front page of the New York Times featuring the editorial about the U.S. gun epidemic, CNN and MSNBC’s shameful media circus in which reporters swarmed the San Bernardino shooters’ apartment, the San Bernardino victims include a man who had argued with Syed Farook about Islam, Senate blocks effort to keep guns from terrorists, VICE’s gross “First Date” interview series, all the good and bad of Jessica Jones, and the Christmas Shoes song really makes Katharine sad