
Expressions of Human Sexuality in the Genital Phase: Reports of a Field Observation in Adolescents and Young People from Porto Velho, Brazil by John Doe

Book Information

TitleExpressions of Human Sexuality in the Genital Phase: Reports of a Field Observation in Adolescents and Young People from Porto Velho, Brazil
SubjectAdolescence, Development, Conflicts, Sexuality.
Collectionijaers, folkscanomy_academic, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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This work aims to discuss about the psychosocial development in adolescence proposed by Erick Erickson, focusing on human sexuality, and analyze what influences experienced by each in this period. The study was part of the Human Sexuality discipline of the Psychology Course at the Federal University of Rondônia in the second semester of 2017 and reports an observation made with four young people and adolescents of both sexes in the age group of 16 to 20 years, emphasizing the genital phase but, as said, under the focus offered by Erick Erickson in the well-known phase of identity and confusion of identity. Study procedures included semi-structured interviews. Adolescence is a phase of many personal and social conflicts and the literature shows that adolescents are always in constant development and because of this, it is considered that they do not yet have sufficient autonomy to constitute themselves as fully capable of being aware for their actions. Thus, it was found that the lack of direction generates a negative outcome in the self-knowledge of young people who currently reflect realities of which they have barely overcome the identity crisis.