
12 Organ Preludes, Op. 2 by Jerald Franklin Archer by Jerald Franklin Archer (b.1964)

Book Information

Title12 Organ Preludes, Op. 2 by Jerald Franklin Archer
CreatorJerald Franklin Archer (b.1964)
SubjectEnglish; dance; folk; baroque; classical; jerald; franklin; archer; 5; five; string; violin; cello; music; improvised; lament; laments; Celtic; Ireland; Irish; improv; improvisation; improvisational; improvisatory; caprice; caprices; inventions; invention; etudes; etude; vocal; opera; aria; arias; freeform; improvised; improvising; acoustic; home; recording; recordings; MP3; Jerald; Franklin; Archer; J; F; Folk; Country; contra; dancing; square; Fiddle; tune; tunes; Old time; bluegrass; original; strathspey; strathspeys; jig; jigs; hornpipe; hornpipes; reels; reel; air; airs; Scottish; Scotland; traditional; colonial; American; film; score; electric; Zeta; free; sheet; music; garden; of; harmony; Roman; Catholic; Church; Organ; Prelude; Baroque; Classical; Wedding; Mass; Sacred; Heart; Jesus; Midi; Free; Work; latin; tridentine; student; teacher; books; classic; Spanish; sonatina
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12 Organ Preludes, Op.2 dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Jerald Franklin Archer. MP3 files of the sheet music. Opus composed in 2001. Remixed from MIDI files using Adobe Audition 1.0. Complete collection in a ZIP file.