
The use of Facebook as a Collaborative Knowledge Construction by John Doe

Book Information

TitleThe use of Facebook as a Collaborative Knowledge Construction
SubjectEducation, Teaching-Learning, Teaching Practice, Social Networks.
Collectionijaers, folkscanomy_academic, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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The present research aimed to verify the effectiveness of the use of Facebook in education, as well as to verify the possibilities of using this application to knowledge construction, making the teaching-learning process provoking and motivating. A case study with emphasis on qualitative and quantitative research was applied in order to investigate the acceptance of the use of Facebook as a collaborative teaching-learning support for integrated high school students, through a questionnaire for first grade students from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sertão Pernambucano (IFSERTÃO-PE), from Campi Petrolina and Petrolina Zona Rural, totaling 66 students, that sought to consider the acceptance of students regarding the use of Facebook as a support for learning in a collaborative way. The readings of André (2017), Lakatos (2008), Lorenzo (2013), Moran (2013), Spadaro (2013) and others were relevant to the theoretical basis of the research. It was concluded that, despite the low use of social networks by teachers in the classroom, students believe that Facebook presents itself as a resource with great educational potential and that stimulates more active participation of students in their learning, favors generation and sharing of information, and also improves the interaction between teacher, students and parents.