
The Mediterranean Pilot Volume 3, 4th Edition 1908 and Supplements 1914 and 1916. Comprising the Adriatic Sea, Ionian Islands, the coasts of Albania and Greece to Cape Matapan. Also the Gulfs of Patras and Corinth [Sailing directions, Great Britain Admiralty] by [Great Britain] Hydrographic Office, Adm...

Book Information

TitleThe Mediterranean Pilot Volume 3, 4th Edition 1908 and Supplements 1914 and 1916. Comprising the Adriatic Sea, Ionian Islands, the coasts of Albania and Greece to Cape Matapan. Also the Gulfs of Patras and Corinth [Sailing directions, Great Britain Admiralty]
Creator[Great Britain] Hydrographic Office, Admiralty
SubjectNavigation Guides, Navigation Guides- Mediterranean, Sailing directions-Mediterranean, Navigation Guides- Greece, Sailing directions- Greece, Navigation Guides- Albania, Sailing directions- Albania, Navigation Guides-Italy, Sailing directions- Italy, Navigation Guides-Yugoslavia, Sailing directions- Yugoslavia, Great Britain Hydrographic Department Admiralty, Great Britain Hydrographic Office Admiralty Navigation Guides- Austrian dominions of Istria Croatia Dalmatia Ragusa, Sailing directions- Austrian dominions of Istria Croatia Dalmatia Ragusa
Collectionadmiralty-publications, additional_collections
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Uploaded to the Internet Archive with three files digitized by Google Books from the collection at the Universities of Michigan, Illinois and Michigan respectively. If the three files are not visible, click on the Viewable files icon on the left hand side of the webpage. https://books.google.com/books?id=Sy2wAAAAMAAJ The Mediterranean Pilot  Volume 3,  4th Edition 1908https://books.google.com/books?id=SZuZNrd9IL0C  Supplement No.2 1914 https://books.google.com/books?id=2QgxAQAAMAAJ Supplement No.3 1916. Note this file also contains Supplements for Volumes other than Volume 3, so these latter Supplements should be disregarded. The Advertisement to the Fourth Edition indicates that The Mediterranean Pilot, Volume 3 was first published in 1880 and was prepared by Commander James Penn, R.N. The second edition was prepared by Captain E. H. Hills, R.N., and the third by Captain J. J. P. Hitchfield, R.N. This, the fourth edition was prepared by Captain John Phillips, R.N. The coast eastward of Cape Matapan will be found in Volume 4 Supplement No.2 1914  was corrected to 14th August 1914  and was compiled by Commander H. S. Penn, R.N.Supplement No.3 1916 was corrected to 9th November 1916 and was compiled by Captain A. W. Torlesse, R.N. Note the latter part of this book file is Supplement No.3 1916 to Volume 4 and 1916 Supplement to Volume 5.