
Production of Dissertations and Theses on Mobile Learning in Brazilian Postgraduate Courses by John Doe

Book Information

TitleProduction of Dissertations and Theses on Mobile Learning in Brazilian Postgraduate Courses
SubjectMapping, Academic Production, Mobile learning.
Collectionijaers, folkscanomy_academic, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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This article aims to map and analyze the scientific productions about mobile learning, found in theses and dissertations registered in the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The present research is characterized as a quantitative, retrospective and documentary study. It was used as a criterion, to present in any part of the abstract or text, the descriptor mobile learning, and to be published between 2014 and 2017. The results found allowed to visualize the academic production of theses and dissertations on the mobile learning in Brazil in recent years.