
Best Practices for Peer Review: AAUP Handbook by Association of American University Press...

Book Information

TitleBest Practices for Peer Review: AAUP Handbook
CreatorAssociation of American University Presses
PublisherAssociation of American University Presses
SubjectResearch, Scholarly communication, Academic publishing, Research assessment, Best practices, Handbooks, Peer review
Collectionopensource, community
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The purpose of this document, written by the AAUP’s Acquisitions Editorial Committee, is to articulate a set of practices that comprise a rigorous process of peer review. The Committee acknowledges, however, that the peer review process is highly complex, involves many individuals, and must be responsive to the norms of the appropriate fields. Thus, while the steps discussed below are recognized as generally acceptable best practices, this document is not intended to prescribe the conduct of an acceptable peer review in every case. Moreover, though strong peer reviews are necessary for moving forward with a project, they form only one part of a broad range of factors, including considerations of fit and budget, that together lead to a publishing decision.This book has an editable web page on Open Library.