
सकारात्मक स्पंदन पुष्टि श्री वल्लभ by Vibrant Pushti

Book Information

Titleसकारात्मक स्पंदन पुष्टि श्री वल्लभ
CreatorVibrant Pushti
LanguageHindi / हिंदी
SubjectPushtimarg सकारात्मक स्पंदन पुष्टि श्री वल्लभ
Collectionbooksbylanguage_hindi, booksbylanguage
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India - generally the world is understanding that, India is a such country who's living standard are poor, dependent, a combination of non intellectual civilians. A laborious people, who living their life by superstition, under recognition, non working stay with the family, spending time under abnormal thoughts, who generating of high misunderstanding religious fundamentals, non principles of expression.Wrong ! Very Very False.I proven that, India is a superior country of world by all means. The founders of India's were genius, super power by every intelligent, highly efficient by their lives as well with the whole universe. Shree Vallabhacharya, a one of the great philosopher as well as principle, who created such phenomena of human, who know thy self, who lives as a representative of Supreme, who act for Supreme, who born for Supreme. Many of the certain principle segment proven by him with the characteristic reference of the Lord Shree Krishna. He also belongs to his character as well as life enjoyed by the Prime principles of Lord Krishna's demonstration. Shree Vallabhacharya were also eviction for universe with the support of Shree Yamunaji, Shree Asthsakhaji and many of Hindu and Muslim saints. I presented certain my thoughts, who proved my self expressed by adopting such principles of holy lives.