
30 things future dads should know about pregnancy by Hilling, Hogan

Book Information

Title30 things future dads should know about pregnancy
CreatorHilling, Hogan
Publisher[Nashville, Tenn.] : Trade Paper Press/Turner Pub.
SubjectFatherhood, Motherhood, Pregnancy, Wives -- Psychology
Collectioninternetarchivebooks, printdisabled, inlibrary
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xxi, 230 p. ; 17 cm, You're not having a baby, you're having a third person -- She's the one who's pregnant -- Pregnancies sometimes do not end with babies -- Make time to be involved with the pregnancy -- Bonding with an unborn baby can be difficult, and that's okay -- Discover your greatest obstacle -- Establish credibility as a dad by deferring to experts -- Adjust to your wife's mood swings -- Beware the pregnant woman's nesting and spending spree -- A new dad can handle finances even without any -- Navigate the medical staff -- Have a sex talk with the wife -- Guess what? a new dad is not alone -- Ask for help and build a support network for your family -- Being a new dad will affect friendships -- Define your own role as a dad -- Speak up; let a dad's voice be heard -- Establish a protective boundary for your new family -- Anxiety about the delivery room is normal -- Nurture the marriage -- Embrace fatherhood -- Make peace with yourself about your father -- Learn more about your wife's father -- Encourage your wife to accept a dad's perspective -- A new dad never loses the title of dad -- Help your wife adjust to motherhood -- A new dad's transition into fatherhood is tough on everyone -- Establish a work-family balance schedule -- Schedule reasonable "me" time -- Network with other dads