
Greenbackers, Goldbugs, and Silverites by Coletta, Paolo E.

Book Information

TitleGreenbackers, Goldbugs, and Silverites
CreatorColetta, Paolo E.
SubjectEconomic history of the United States, financial history, gold standard, free silver, bi-metallism, bimetallism, monetary policy, economics, national banks, national banking system, currency system
Collectionopensource, community
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“Greenbackers, Goldbugs, and Silverites: Currency Reform and Politics, 1860-1897,”by Paolo E. Coletta (US Naval Academy)Published in H. Wayne Morgan (ed.), The Gilded Age: A Reappraisal. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1963.Coletta provides an outstanding introduction to the Gilded Age monetary policy debate, which pitted advocates of the “gold standard” against bimetallists favoring the unlimited coinage of silver. Coletta sees roots of the debate in the monetary system forced upon the Union government due to the exigencies of Civil War and indicates a belief that the country’s economic problems of the 1880s and 1890s were due in some significant measure to the inadequacies of the American monetary system.Published in the USA between 1923 and 1963 inclusive, copyright notice appearing in the publication but copyright not renewed, per Stanford University Copyright database. PUBLIC DOMAIN.Digitized by Tim Davenport (“Carrite”) and uploaded to Archive.org on June 8, 2017.