
South African Replacements Arrive In Japan, 09/04/1951 by United States. Army

Book Information

TitleSouth African Replacements Arrive In Japan, 09/04/1951
CreatorUnited States. Army
SubjectCold War, Korean War, 1950-1953, United States. Army, Korean War, 1950-1953 -- South Africa, SS Boissevain
Collectionopensource_movies, community
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Extracted from U.S. Army film "B-47 Stratojet Refuels In Mid-Air, 1951" National Archives description "SO AFRICAN REPLACEMENTS ARRIVE IN JAPAN. released 09/04/1951, Summary: LS, transport "Boissevain" arrives Yokohama dock. CU, old man on dock pulls lines. LASs, men at rails, wave. MSs, mail is distributed. MS, two smiling men get letters. CU, serious-faced man reads letter. Follow, three men move along gangplank and down steps to pier. LAMS, men, with baggage, come down gangplank. Officers - they all look British, shaking hands. CU, soldier smoking cigarette. CUs, other So Africans." National Archives Identifier: 24286 As always, any error or typo is mine and if you enjoy my uploads or if you intend to make $ or otherwise profit from these files, please consider making a donation to a veteran's charity of your choice and/or Archive.org itself. Thanks