
Altmetrics for Librarians: 100+ tips, tricks, and examples by Stacy Konkiel, Natalia Madjarevic, Amy ...

Book Information

TitleAltmetrics for Librarians: 100+ tips, tricks, and examples
Creator Stacy Konkiel, Natalia Madjarevic, Amy Rees
Subjectcollection development
Collectionfolkscanomy_miscellaneous, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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Ever wonder how you, as a librarian, can use altmetrics in your day-to-day work?We certainly have!While there’s no shortage of excellent altmetrics primers for librarians in existence, we saw a need for a resource to help librarians who want to apply altmetrics in their own work.This ebook provides the “nuts and bolts” needed to use altmetrics in a variety of library-land scenarios, including:Making collection development decisionsManaging institutional repositoriesHelping faculty assemble evidence for their tenure & promotion packetsTeaching workshops on altmetricsIn it, we also share our favorite resources for staying up-to-date on altmetrics research and news.Overall, we share more than one hundred tips, tricks, and examples that you can use to guide your own application of altmetrics in libraries. Enjoy!Archived by Unglue.it