
Arena magazine - Volume 16 by B.O. Flower (ed.)

Book Information

TitleArena magazine - Volume 16
CreatorB.O. Flower (ed.)
Subjectprogressivism -- United States; liberalism; reformism; social reform; Christian Socialism; Gay 90s; political commentary; Benjamin Orange Flower; Progressive era; social gospel
Collectionthearenamagazine, magazine_rack, additional_collections, politicalmagazines
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The Arena magazine Volume 16: June through November 1896 (Whole Nos. 79-84) B.O. Flower, editor Published by Arena Publishing Co., Boston, Massachusetts Published in the USA prior to 1923, public domain. KEY CONTENT: pg. 29 - Eltweed Pomeroy: "The Direct Legislation Movement and Its Leaders" pg. 67 - William P. St. John: "A National Platform for the American Independents of 1896" pg. 70 - Frank Parsns, "The Telegraph Monopoly" (Part 6) pg. 85 - A.J. Utley: "Bimetallism" pg. 106 - B.O. Flower: "A Prophet of Freedom" (James Greenleaf Whittier) pg. 124 - C.J. Buell: "Monopoly and the Mines of Minnesota" pg. 177 - J.B. Follett: "A Just Judge: Being a Brief Sketch of Henry Clay Caldwell of the United States Circuit Court" pg. 186 - Frank Parsons: "The Telegraph Monopoly" (Part 7) pg. 196 - William Thornton Parker: "Shall We Have a National Sanitarium for Consumptives?" pg. 208 - B.O. Flower: "Some Eastern Conservative Authorities Who Are Championing the Cause of Free Silver" pg. 251 - H.F. Bartine: "American Financial Policy" pg. 263 - A.E.U. Hilles "Woman in Society Today" pg. 276 - Josephe Rodes Buchanan: "The Imperial Power in the Realm of Truth" pg. 286 - John O. Yeiser: "Are We Becoming a Homeless Nation?" pg. 298 - B.O. Flower: "The General Discontent as Illustrated in Current Cartoons" pg. 353 - Frank Parsons: "The Telegraph Monopoly" (Part 8) pg. 380 - Thomas E. Will: "Bibliography of LIterature Dealing with the Land Question" pg. 393 - John E. Bennett: "Is the West Discontented?" pg. 406 - B.O. Flower: "Whittier: The Man" pg. 445 - J. Kellogg: "The Convict Question" pg. 448 - R.B. Marsh: "Ethics the Only Basis of Religion" pg. 529 - William Jennings Bryan: "The Currency Question" pg. 538 - W.B. Williams: "Evils of the Land Monopoly" pg. 543 - B.O. Flower: "Whittier: A Modern Apostle of Lofty Spirituality" pg. 553 - Charles W. Bowne: "The Initiative and Referengum" pg. 558 - I.N. Taylor: "Is a Universal Religion Possible?" pg. 570 - Charles H. Chapman: "The Right of Woman to the Ballot" pg. 581 - William P. St. John: "Free Silver and Prosperity" pg. 595 - William Howe Tolman: "Model 'Model Tenements'" pg. 605 - Paul Paquin: "Inherited Wretchedness: Should Consumptives Marry?" pg. 612 - Willis Boughton: "The Negro's Place in History" pg. 622 - Norman T. Mason: "Compulsory Arbitration a Practicable Remedy" pg. 629 - Frank Parsons: "The Telegraph Monopoly" (Part 9) pg. 705 - J.T. Morgan: "Silver: A Money Metal" pg. 721 - G.D. Coleman: "The Religion of Jesus Christ in its Relation to Christianity and Reforms" pg. 728 - William Howe Tolman: "Municipal Reform" pg. 736 - "What the Remonetization of Silver Would Do for the Republic" pg. 743 - J.H. Hastam: "How Prince Edward Island Settled Its Land Question" pg. 748 - Mrs. E.Q. Norton: "Dual Suffrage" pg. 752 - B.O. Flower: "The Peril of Encouraging the Persecuting Spirit" pg. 770 - Frank Parsons: "Free Silver versus Free Gold" pg. 806 - J.H. Mueller: "Are Our Christian Missionaries in India Frauds?" pg. 881 - Frank Parsons: "The Issue of 1896" pg. 892 - S. Howard Leech: "The Simplicity of the Single Tax" pg. 928 - B.O. Flower: Four Epochs in the History of Our Republic" pg. 937 - Walter Clark: "Free Coinage Indispensable, but Not a Panacea" pg. 945 - J. Worden Pope: "The North American Indian: The Disappearance of the Race a Popular Fallacy" pg. 970 - Bolton Hall: "The New Charity" pg. 974 - William H. Standish, "The Impending Crisis" pg. 1044 - B.O. Flower: "Notes by the Editor" pg. 1051 - INDEX TO VOLUME 16 pdf pg. 1114 - "Notes and Announcements"