
Bulletin of the United States Army Medical Department: December 1945, Volume 4 No. 6 by United States. Army Medical Service

Book Information

TitleBulletin of the United States Army Medical Department: December 1945, Volume 4 No. 6
CreatorUnited States. Army Medical Service
PublisherWashington, D.C
SubjectUnited States. Army Medical Service, Medicine, Military -- Periodicals, World War, 1939-1945 -- Periodicals, United States. Army, World War II, Medicine, Military, World War, 1939-1945
CollectionwwIIarchive, additional_collections
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Bulletin of the United States Army Medical Department: December 1945, Volume 4 No. 6 Vol. IV, No. 6 December 1945 Contents NEWS AND COMMENT General Marshall's Report — the Medical Department 613 The Work Ahead for the General and Convalescent Hospitals 614 General Kirk Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal 616 Cooperation with Research Council on Improvement of Artificial Limbs 616 Personnel Qualified to Serve the Physically Handicapped 617 Reassignment of Nurses 617 Device to Improve the Care of Patients in Double Hip Spica Casts 618 Demobilization of Nurses 620 Quantitative Methods for the Evaluation of Hookworm Infections 621 Avoidance of Trematode Infections in the Orient 622 Hospital Admissions in United States for Relapses of Malaria Acquired Overseas 623 Exercise Machine for Amputations Below the Knee 624 Modifications of Method for Staining Parasites in Thick Blood Films 626 Typing Sera for the Genus Shigella 627 The Virus of Poliomyelitis 630 Psychiatric Testimony Before Courts-Martial 631 Accomplishments of the Army Dental Corps 632 The National Board of Dental Examiners 632 Use of DDT in Plague Control at Casablanca 633 Influence of Natural Waters on the Effectiveness of DDT as a Mosquito Larvicide 633 Venereal Disease Rates 634 Copper Sulfate Method for Hemoglobin Determination in Blood Donors 635 Annual Meeting of Library Consultants 636 Training Films 636 Training Schools Closed 637 Veterinarians Needed 637 Refresher Courses 638 Aphasic Language Disorders 638 Distinguished Service Medals of Honor 638 New Spring Drop Foot Brace 639 Projector for Use in Hospital Wards 640 Positions Open 640 Value of Anterior-Oblique Roentgenograms in Diagnosis of Primary Atypical Pneumonia 641 Clinical Fellowships in Medicine 643 Management of Common Eye Disorders 643 Combat Fatigue 643 The Technique of Group Psychotherapy 644 Library Notes 644 Medical Battalion Cited 645 Award to Medical Base Depot Company 645 The 42d General Hospital Cited 646 Award of Medal of Honor to Aid Men 646 Monthly Medical Meeting 647 Psychiatric Conference 647 Joint Army-Navy Medical Procurement 648 Recent Directives and Publications 649 Tour by Surgeon General of Sweden 665 SPECIAL ARTICLES EVALUATION OF THE UNTOWARD REACTIONS ATTRIBUTABLE TO ATABRINE 653 THE MANAGEMENT OF HOOKWORM INFECTION 660 ORIGINAL ARTICLES THE TREATMENT OF INFECTIOUS HEPATITIS BY DIET AND REST Lieut. Colonel John D. Hughes, M.C., A.U.S 662 ANESTHESIA FOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY FOLLOWING TRAUMA Captain Irving Greenfield, M.C., A.U.S 666 THE SUCCESSFUL NEUROTIC SOLDIER Major William Needles, M.C., A.U.S 673 WORK FURLOUGHS FOR PATIENTS WITH PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURIES Major F. H. Lewey, M.C., A.U.S., and First Lieut. George K. Bowles, A.G.D., A.U.S 683 THE LICHEN PLANUS - ECZEMATOID DERMATITIS COMPLEX OF THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC Captain Ervin Epstein, M.C., A.U.S 687 REACTIONS TO PENICILLIN Captain Frank E. Cormia, M.C., A.U.S., Major Leif Y. Jacobsen, M.C., A.U.S., and Captain E. L. Smith, M.C., A.U.S 694 MOBILE MEDICAL AND DENTAL DISPENSARIES Captain Samuel A. Effron, M.C., A.U.S., and First Lieut. Robert E. Hesselschwerdt, M.A.C., A.U.S 703 A MENTAL HYGIENE UNIT Major Albert A. Rosner, M.C., A.U.S. 706 VITAMIN C STATUS OF TROOPS IN THE TROPICS Captain Walter R. C. Golden, Sn. C., A.U.S., and Technician Fifth Grade Morris S. Schechter, Med. Dept., A.U.S 710 THE ARMY INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY Colonel J. E. Ash, M.C., U.S.A 718 APPARATUS AND CLINICAL NOTES SKIN SENSITIVITY DUE TO ATABRINE Major Richard Whitehall, M.C., A.U.S 724 DERMATITIS FROM ATABRINE Major L. M. Nelson, M.C., A.U.S 725 TEMPORARY ACRYLIC OCULAR PROSTHESES Major Max Kuharich, D.C., A.U.S 727 DIRECT DUPLICATION OF ROENTGENOGRAMS BY ARTIFICIAL SOLARIZATION Captain Natal C. Carabello, M.C., A.U.S 728 SIMPLE METHOD OF TOMOGRAPHY WITH THE STANDARD ARMY FIELD X-RAY UNIT Major Marcus Wiener, M.C., A.U.S., Captain Charles M. White, M.C., A.U.S., and Technician Fourth Grade DeWitt B. Lancaster, Med. Dept., A.U.S 730 USEFUL PROCEDURES IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF SYPHILIS Major Ray C. Atkinson, M.C., A.U.S., and First Lieut. John deR. Slade, M.C., A.U.S 732 A SIMPLE METHOD OF AIR AGITATION FOR PHOTOROENTGEN FILM WASHING Captain Edwin M. Wright, M.C., A.U.S., and Private First Class Hugh M. Saeler 734, Title varies: 1822-1823, Army medical bulletin, medico-military review section; 1943-1949, Bulletin of the United States Army Medical Department, Absorbed in 1943 the Army Medical Department supplements, Army Dental bulletin and Army Veterinary bulletin, United with United States Naval medical bulletin in 1949 to form United States Armed Forces medical journal, Publication suspended 1932-1934, Bulletin of the United States Army Medical Department, Unnumbered vols. for 1930-1931 called new series vol. 1 no. 1-2; vol. 2 no. 1, Vols. 68-69, 1943-1945 constitute series 3 vol. 1-3, In 1926 and 1929 an extra issue for each year, Print version record