
Confession of A Terrorist: Musings on Bangladesh Liberation War - Abul Kalam M. Shamsuddin by Abul Kalam M. Shamsuddin

Book Information

TitleConfession of A Terrorist: Musings on Bangladesh Liberation War - Abul Kalam M. Shamsuddin
CreatorAbul Kalam M. Shamsuddin
Collectionopensource, community
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Confession of a Terrorist: Musings on Bangladesh Liberation WarAbul Kalam M. ShamsuddinIP-6 Research IncMore than four decades have passed since the liberation war of Bangladesh, but few accounts of the day-to-day roles of the tens of thousands of freedom fighters at the war fronts are available. Professor Shamsuddin, who himself suspended his own joining of the lucrative medical training in U.S. medical services system to join the liberation war, gives a detailed account of the glorious roles many unknown heroes played in the liberation of Bangladesh from his first experience as a freedom fighter. Instead of relying on any secondary sources, he diligently and objectively narrated, from his own personal experience, the various roles played by many unknown active participants, including doctors, nurses, and other volunteers.The book describes the moment of triumphs as well as temporary setbacks in the course of the liberation war. But the spirit and hope of independence of our country from the yoke of imperialist Pakistan were always present among all these freedom fighters, while facing the enemies in the front, which resulted in speedy attainment of the freedom.Without such a vivid and objective account of the sacrifices by tens of thousands of unknown freedom fighters, no true history of the liberation can be known to our posterior generations who must learn from our glorious liberation struggle.