
القرآن الكريم وفق رواية حفص عن عاصم ملون طبعة عام ١٤٤٢ by تنزيل من رب العالمين

Book Information

Titleالقرآن الكريم وفق رواية حفص عن عاصم ملون طبعة عام ١٤٤٢
Creatorتنزيل من رب العالمين
SubjectQuran, Arabic Quran, Madina, Revelation
Collectionbooksbylanguage_arabic, booksbylanguage
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القرآن الكريم وفق رواية حفص عن عاصمملون طبعة عام ١٤٤٢موافق لمصحف الشمرلي بخط الخطاط عثمان طهQuran hafs Madina of 1442Qurʾān in Arabic, the original language of the revelation. For more information on the Qurʾān please visit (www.quran.com)About this printing:This printing is based on Uthman Taha's handwritten exclusively for the Quran Printing Complex in Madina, this was handwritten sometime in the 1980s - early 1990s after Uthman Taha's arrival in Madina, his first exclusive handwritten copy was warsh reading followed by this copy. For many who read the hafs reading and have memorized the entire Qurʾān they are used to this printing (mushaf Shamarly) where word count is even for each page. The whole book is in 521 pages, whereas the now standard green edition (https://archive.org/details/Green-standard-39-1441) is in 604 pages. Both have 15 lines per page except for the first two which have 7 lines.   The Mushaf Shamarly, popularized by the publisher al-Shamarly, who printed it. A pdf copy of the mushaf is found here. (https://archive.org/details/shamarlyshamarly/)  and here as well (https://archive.org/details/Mus7afShamarly_v31)How long does it take Uthman Taha to write the Quran by hand? According to video interviews with calligrapher it takes anywhere from 2 to 3 years to handwrite the muṣḥaf by hand. Per the complex the each page is checked 5 times by a team of scholars. See (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdM5snM9QzQ) The stages are as follows: 1. word stage (where only the words are written without dots or vowel marks) 2. Dot stage where the dots are added to the letters 3. Vowel stage (where the vowel marks are added). 4. 5. Verse number stage, where the verse numbers, sajda markers, hizb, juz markers and other reading aid markers are added. Each stage is checked by scholars and if there are any errors the page is re-done. There are 521 pages, 15 lines per page except the first two pages which have 7 lines per page. The writing style is a modified Naskh style that is suitable for easy of reading that minimizes letter stacking.