
Apódexis herodotiana: um modo de dizer o passado by Tatiana Oliveira Ribeiro

Book Information

TitleApódexis herodotiana: um modo de dizer o passado
CreatorTatiana Oliveira Ribeiro
SubjectHerodotus, Apodeixis, Epidict discourse
Collectionbooksbylanguage_portuguese, booksbylanguage
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“This is apodexis histories of Herodotus from Halicarnassus”. This saying, opening Herodotus’ Histories, has transmitted to the western culture not only the word epitomizing the research activity of the  Historian, the historie, but also the one denoting how all the large amount of the material he had collected and pondered is organized and exhibited: the apodexis. Thepresent dissertation thematizes this latter concept and observes the nuances it assumes in the course of Herodotus’ work, as well as its relative constancy ofsignification in other prose texts, mainly epideictic writings. As a result from the relationship of convergence between apode(i)xis and epide(i)xis, the present work suggests to consider the performance perspective of Herodotus’ text, based on textual evidence pointing to the existence of a display practice thcirculating in Ancient Greece from 5th century onwards. Herodotus’ apodexisfigures as a way of telling time, space, people and their nomoi, and also as a way of reelaborating the narratives from the past and interpretating the present.