
How to solve problems; elements of a theory of problems and problem solving by Wickelgren, Wayne A., 1938-

Book Information

TitleHow to solve problems; elements of a theory of problems and problem solving
CreatorWickelgren, Wayne A., 1938-
SubjectHow to Solve Problems, Wayne A. Wickelgren, mathematics, problem solving
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How to Solve Problems by Wayne A. Wickelgren ELEMENTS OF A THEORY OF PROBLEMS AND PROBLEM SOLVING from the dedication of the book ….. For as long as I can remember, I have been more interested in reflecting on what I was doing or thinking and in thinking about ways to improve my methods than I have been in the particular things I was doing or thinking about This emphasis on self-analysis and improvement reflects the influence of my mother and father, Alma and Herman Wickelgren, to whom this book is dedicated and whose values and practical principles have contributed so much to my life.