
0_AB Games - About this collection by AdnanBoy

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Title0_AB Games - About this collection
Collectionsoftwarecapsules_miscellaneous, softwarecapsules
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This page will be used to provide more information on the AdnanBoy collection - what it is, how you can find games, and other useful tidbits. Stay tuned for more!What is this collection?    The games were downloaded from the site adnanboy.blogspot.com around 2017 - 2019. Lots of games from older posts were gone since not many people continued to download them. I started the project in fear that the links were disappearing the moment I wasn't downloading them. Even though my approach (of manually downloading each available link) was time-consuming, and my overconfidence (that caused me to not double check files I downloaded) has resulted in some files corrupted, I managed to collect around 1000 games. They spanned years of posts up to the latest post in 2017 (Sally's Salon). I am now uploading them one-by-one, with at least a logo for each game.    I was recently aware that the site had been overtaken by a supposedly 'new' owner under the handler 'Adeli Games'. At the time of writing, the latest blog post is 'Road Trip USA 3 - Central' in July 30th, 2022. I do not have any plan to archive the newer blog posts at the moment.I am NOT affiliated with AdnanBoy or the publishers. This is a fan project.Why build this collection?1. For obvious reasons. 👀2. This collection is potentially useful for anyone interested in reverse-engineering.3. Maybe gaming trend researchers (or whatever they are called, idk) can identify what type of games were in such popular demand that they appear in this collection. They may use these results to know which categories were trending in the past, why they were popular, etc. and maybe shape the path for future games as well.4. Okay, those uses above stem from my imagination, but this collection can contribute to the worldwide effort to avoid the digital dark ages of casual PC gaming. In my opinion, the industry is slowly dying out due to the rise of mobile games, and not many now bother releasing budget casual games on PC anymore. That's why it's important to preserve what we have now.Is this collection safe?    I often check these files with Microsoft Defender (and Malwarebytes in some instances) before and after installing them. Even though some game files were hidden (and therefore you can't access them) by IA because VirusTotal online scan marked them as malwares, I'm fairly sure that my source is safe and these detections are mere false positives. Nevertheless, there always comes a risk when you use these kind of files. If you want to be sure, scan these files with your preferred antivirus softwares. Always make your best judgment as to whether you want to run these games on your PC or not.Is there any other modification?    No. I don't tamper with the game files, except when the game is split into multiple extraction packages. Since IA doesn't allow multi-part (or 'broken') archive files, I extract the multiple parts and re-zip the extracted files into one file before uploading it onto IA. At the moment, I have no plan to upload these original multiple parts onto other sites.    Some files are inaccessible because they were identified as malware by VirusTotal. Read the question above to know more.    Some files are corrupted as a result of my negligence in downloading and storing. Since the download links for these games are most likely down by the time you are reading this, the available games in this collection are whatever survived on my device.Can I download the 'false positive' files?    I don't have any plan to upload them at the moment. I may upload them onto an external service in the future, but that's not the case for now.Games I don't have right now are below. If anyone could find the AdnanBoy install packages for these, I would be extremely grateful 🤲1 Penguin 100 CasesFinal Cut: Death on the Silver Screen Collector's EditionFruity GardenG.H.O.S.T Chronicles 2: Phantom of the Renaissance FaireLotus DeluxeMidnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe ConspiracyMystery Chronicles 2: Betrayals of LoveMythic MahjongThe Hardy Boys: The Perfect CrimeTwisted Lands 3: OriginZombie Bowl-O-RamaTidbitsThe date you see on the item page refers to when the game was posted onto the AdnanBoy blog, not the game's release date. This also applies to the year filter on the search results page.Below is the original description for this item page.------------------------------------------This item is outdated. Each game will be uploaded in the future and have its own page. Please stay tuned! In the mean time, you can take a look at the current archive below:0 - 9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ