
Albertus Magnus And The Sciences ( Studies And Texts) By James A. Weisheipl by James A. Weisheipl, OP Pontifical Instit...

Book Information

TitleAlbertus Magnus And The Sciences ( Studies And Texts) By James A. Weisheipl
CreatorJames A. Weisheipl, OP Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Collectionfolkscanomy_philosophy, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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Edward A. Synan 11. The Life and Works of St. Albert the GreatJames A. Weisheipl, OP 12. The Attitude of Roger Bacon to the Scientia ofAlbertus Magnus Jeremiah M. G. Hackett 53. St. Albert and the Nature of Natural ScienceBenedict M. Ashley, OP 74. Albertus Magnus on Suppositional Necessityin the Natural Sciences William A. Wallace, OP 105. St. Albert on Motion as Forma fluens andFluxus formae Ernest J. McCullough 126. The Physical Astronomy and Astrology ofAlbertus Magnus Betsy Barker Price 157. Albertus Magnus on Alchemy Pearl Kibre 188. Albert on Stones and MineralsJohn M. Riddle and James A. Mulholland 209. Albertus Magnus and Chemical Technologyin a Time of Transition Nadine F. George 2310. Albert on the Psychology of Sense PerceptionNicholas H. Steneck 2611. St. Albert, the Sensibles, and Spiritual BeingLawrence Dewan, OP 2912. Albertus Magnus' Universal Physiology:the Example of Nutrition Joan Cadden 3213. Albert on the Natural Philosophy of Plant LifeKaren Reeds 3414. Albertus Magnus and Medieval HerbalismJerry Stannard 3515. The Medical Learning of Albertus MagnusNancy G. Sirais16. Human Embryology and Development inthe Works of Albertus MagnusLuke Demaitre and Anthony A. Travil17. Albertus Magnus on Falcons and HawksRobbin S. Oggin18. Mathematics in the Thought of Albertus MagnusA. G. Molland19. The Commentary of Albert on Euclid'sElements of Geometry Paul M. J. E. Tummer20. Albert's Influence on Late Medieval PsychologyKatharine Park21. Albert the Great and the Studio Patavino inthe Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth CenturiesEdward P. MahoneyAppendix 1. Albert's Works on Natural Sciences(libri naturales) in Probable Chronological OrderJames A. Weisheipl, OAppendix 2. Apostolic Letter of Pope Piux xnAdDeum (16 December 1941) 57