
Problems In Electrodynamics by V.V. Batygin; I.N. Toptygin

Book Information

TitleProblems In Electrodynamics
CreatorV.V. Batygin; I.N. Toptygin
Subjectproblem books, physics, problems and solutions, electrodynamics, vector and tensor calculus, electrostatics, magnetostatics, steady currents, quasi-stationary magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, special theory of relativity, radiation, lorentz transformations
Collectionmir-titles, additional_collections
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This book contains about 750 problems on classical electro­ dynam ics and its m ore im portant applications, including over 150 problems on the special theory of relativity, and about 70 prob­ lems on vector and tensor analysis.In addition to problems illustrating fundamental concepts and laws of electrodynam ics, which can be solved by purely m athe­ matical methods, the collection includes a large number of more complicated problems (these are indicated by asterisks). Some of the solutions involve a considerable amount of effort, while others are purely theoretical in nature and follow from a lecture course on electrodynam ics (propagation of waves in anisotropic and gyrotropic media, motion of charged particles in the electro­ magnetic field, representation of the electromagnetic field by aset of oscillators, and so on). Finally, there are problems which are concerned with topics which are not well covered by existing texts, for example, interaction of charged particles with m atter (Chapter XIII), applications of conservation laws to the analysis of collision processes and particle disintegration (Chapter XI), ferro­ magnetic resonance (Chapter VI), and so on.The second part of the book gives answers and solutions to a large number of these problems.Each section is prefaced by a short theoretical introduction in which the necessary formulae are given. These short intro­ ductions do not pretend to be complete; more extensive treat­ ments will be found in the books listed in the bibliography.