
East Africa Protectorate Blue Book for the year ended March 31st 1914 by [Government of British East Africa Prote...

Book Information

TitleEast Africa Protectorate Blue Book for the year ended March 31st 1914
Creator[Government of British East Africa Protectorate, Nairobi]
SubjectBlue Book, Blue Book– East Africa Protectorate, Blue Book-Kenya Colony and Protectorate, Great Britain Colonial Office, British colonies, East Africa Protectorate, Kenya Colony and Protectorate
Collectioncolonial-office-gb-publications, additional_collections
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Subsequently the title changed to Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Blue Book and then, from the 1931 edition, to Kenya Colony and Protectorate Blue Book Digitised by Google Books from the collection at Stanford University https://books.google.com/books?id=4iQ4AQAAMAAJBlue Books were prepared regularly, generally each year, by Colonial Governments and sent to the Colonial Office, part of the British Government, in London. Original Blue Books may be found in the collection of the National Archives, Kew, England in the Colonial Office CO records, generally classified as  Miscellanea, see  https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/browse/r/h/C437  “Division within CO”.