
Sky Bus The Modern Transportation System by Prof. Priyanka Patil | Pooja Pramod Ghul...

Book Information

TitleSky Bus The Modern Transportation System
CreatorProf. Priyanka Patil | Pooja Pramod Ghule | Disha Atul Parekh
SubjectSky Metro Bus, Population, etc
CollectionIJTSRD, additional_collections
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Sky bus Metro is a suspended railway invented by Indian technologist Mr. B Rajaram. Now in metro cities like Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc., the number of problems developing regarding transportation due to increase in population India, mostly in these cities. The problems are overload on public transport system, increasing vehicles two wheelers and four wheelers Sky bus is necessary to reduce overload on public transport system. And due to increase in vehicles the number of problems developed likes Traffic jam, Accidents, Pollution etc. So that by constructing the sky bus metro reduced this problem. Thus sky bus metro solve the public transportation problem in metro cities. After experiencing congestion’s and traffic jams over three decades, India finally realized her urban public transport system requires transformation for solving several problems at once and for long term. Innovation of Sky bus by Indian Railways, a Govt. owned enterprise is the outcome of this learning process. Sky bus project has been receiving support from Government, Industries as well as from various public in India. This research confirms the advantages of Sky bus innovation are tremendous. For overpopulated Indian urban areas, Sky bus seems to be the best solution for safe, quality and inexpensive mass public transportation system. After approval from concerned authorities, Sky bus will be the long term solution for public in terms of transportation in India. Sky Bus metro is in the tramway category, under Art 366 20 of the Constitution of India. Since it parallels existing roadways and within municipal limits, it is excluded from the Act. Sky Bus cannot capsize or collide. Sky Bus is based on the concept of Sky Wheels presented in 1989 at World Congress for Railway Research. Sky Bus eliminates vandalism, derailments and is virtually maintenance free. Construction cost Rs 450,000,000 per km. It is noise free and pollution free with no crossings. It can carry about 18000 people per hour per direction pphpd , scalable to 54000 pphpd as required. Which are suspended from bogies and travel below rail guides, the physics of which can be engineered very easily shells of coaches and suspension links well proven. Prefabricated latest construction technologies, which save time and money resulting in easy execution of the project in busy urban areas without disturbing the existing traffic pattern .These structural engineering methods, are well proven which do not have any project execution risk attached. Prof. Priyanka Patil | Pooja Pramod Ghule | Disha Atul Parekh "Sky Bus: The Modern Transportation System" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-2 , April 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/papers/ijtsrd56260.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/engineering/civil-engineering/56260/sky-bus-the-modern-transportation-system/prof-priyanka-patil