
Herbicidal Weed Management in Soybean Glycine Max L. Merril by Uditi Dhakad

Book Information

TitleHerbicidal Weed Management in Soybean Glycine Max L. Merril
CreatorUditi Dhakad
Subjectherbicidal, weed, management, soybean, Glycine Max (L.) Merril, crop, rotation, cultivars
CollectionIJTSRD, additional_collections
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Weed management is essential for any current system of agricultural production, especially for large monoculture areas, which exert high pressure on the environment. Soybean is among the largest monoculture registered worldwide, with 102 million hectares harvested only in 2010. The leading countries of production are Argentina, Brazil and the United States, with more than 70 of the total cultivated area. Along with China and India, these five countries represent 90 of all produced soybean. The production incentive is related to growing global demand for oil and protein for food and feed, as well as the feasibility of crops for biodiesel production, extremely important for the global economy. Meanwhile, weeds are considered the number one problem in all major soybean producing countries. Even with advanced technologies, producers note high losses due to interference by weeds. According to estimates, weeds, alone, cause an average reduction of 37 on soybean yield, while other fungal diseases and agricultural pests account for 22 of losses. Uditi Dhakad "Herbicidal Weed Management in Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merril)" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-6 , October 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd52101.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/management/other/52101/herbicidal-weed-management-in-soybean-glycine-max-l-merril/uditi-dhakad