
Psychology As You May Like It by Platonov

Book Information

TitlePsychology As You May Like It
PublisherProgress Publishers
Subjectpsychology, consciousness, soviet, mind, brain, perception, attention, thinking, emotions, language, volition, personality
Collectionmir-titles, additional_collections
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This is not a textbook of psychology, nor even merely a popular exposition of old truisms.The author, a well-known psychologist, has collected in this book a large number of questions of interest to young people and has answered them briefly, popularly, entertain­ ingly and in keeping with modern knowledge.To be sure, is there anyone in our days who may not wonder what the people of the coming communist society will have to be like? Or may not care to learn how to develop the will, memory and attention? Or may not want to know what conscience, duty and love are from the standpoint of psychol­ ogy? Or may not be interested in whether telepathy is pos­sible, whether or not dogs and ants have consciousness, what are dreams, and so on and so forth?The text includes some of the simplest psychological experr ments which any reader can perform and which are conducive to a better understanding of the laws governing mental activity and manifesting themselves in work and everyday life.The book is intended for the broadest circles of readers.