
Hetubinduṭīkā by John Doe

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Collectionhodgsoncollection, royalasiaticsociety, europeanlibraries
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Palm leaf; 8 or 9 lines on each folio. This manuscript was previously catalogued as Anumânakhaṇḍam (lit. ‘Section on inference’), apparently on the basis of a provisional title that Cowell and Eggeling found on the wrapper. Cowell and Eggeling describe this manuscript as "old". Text begins: S namas tārāyai || yadyogād andhavad viśvaṃ saṃsāre bhramad iṣyate | sā kṛpāvaśagaiḥ pāpā sthirabuddhir apāsyate || iha pare sakalapadārthasthairyaprasādhanārthaṃ pratyakṣam anumānam arthāpattiṃ pramāṇāny ācakṣate The codex actually contains two works, both incomplete. The first leaf contains the beginning of the Sthirasiddhidūṣaṇa by Ratnakīrti (11th cent.). The remaining 68 leaves contain a big part of the Hetubinduṭīkā by Arcaṭa (a.k.a. Dharmākaradatta, 8th cent.). Manuscript acquired by Hodgson in Nepal. Catalogue information and transcription supplied by Prof. Francesco Sferra, January 2016. For original entry see p. 45 in Cowell, E. B. and Eggeling, J. 'Catalogue of Buddhist Sanskrit manuscripts in the possession of the Royal Asiatic Society (Hodgson Collection)', published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1875, Pt. 1, pp.1-56. Brian Houghton Hodgson, gift, 1835-6. Text in Sanskrit.