
The reality of the church by Welch, Claude

Book Information

TitleThe reality of the church
CreatorWelch, Claude
PublisherNew York : Scribner
SubjectChurch, Ecclesiologie, Christologie
Collectionclaremont_school_of_theology, internetarchivebooks, inlibrary, printdisabled
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254 pages ; 21 cm, Includes bibliographical references, The enigma of the church -- Dimensions of the problem -- Some current answers -- The people of God -- A responding people -- The people and social process -- A people in time -- The point of view -- The people under God -- The form of the servant -- In the community -- In the incarnation -- The manhood of the servant -- The unity of the person -- The church as being and coming-to-be -- The analogy of Christ and the church -- The church in sin -- The bride of Christ -- Eschatology and the ontology of the church -- The body of Christ -- The image and its context -- Incorporation -- participation -- The unity of the body -- The head and the body -- Christ, world, and church -- "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus" -- Christ, the Lord of the world -- Church and world -- Church and kingdom -- The community of the spirit -- Christ, the spirit, and the church -- The spirit and historical form, committed to retain 20170930