
Reports showing the Present State of Her Majesty’s Colonial Possessions. Transmitted with the Blue Books for the year 1857 by [Great Britain - Colonial Office]

Book Information

TitleReports showing the Present State of Her Majesty’s Colonial Possessions. Transmitted with the Blue Books for the year 1857
Creator[Great Britain - Colonial Office]
SubjectColonial Reports - Annual, British colonies, Great Britain Colonial Office, Great Britain Parliamentary Papers, Reports showing the Present State of Her Majesty’s Colonial Possessions
Collectioncolonial-office-gb-publications, community, additional_collections
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Published by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1859Digitised by Google Books from the collection at Harvard University https://books.google.com/books?id=kdESAAAAYAAJTitle of the book: Accounts and Papers : Session 2,  31 May-13 August 1859.  Volume 21. [Great Britain Parliamentary Papers] Colonies.West Indies and Mauritius (Immigration); Reports to the Secretary of State.Full title of the latter :  The Reports Made for the Year  1857 to the Secretary of State having the Department of the Colonies; in continuation of the Reports annually made by the Governors of the British Colonies, with a view to exhibit generally the Past and Present State of Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions. Transmitted with the Blue Books for the Year 1857.