
Islamic State fighters detonated an IED on European diplomats, injuring a number of them in Jeddah by John Doe

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TitleIslamic State fighters detonated an IED on European diplomats, injuring a number of them in Jeddah
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Islamic State fighters detonated an IED on European diplomats, injuring a number of them in JeddahSaudi Arabia - Jeddah - A’maq: A number of European diplomats were injured yesterday when Islamic State fighters detonated an IED on them in the city of Jeddah.Security sources told "A'maq" news agency that ISIS fighters detonated yesterday an IED on a group of European diplomats inside the "Al-Khawajat" cemetery in the city of Jeddah during their meeting on the occasion of a memorial event, injuring a number of them.Security sources added that the attack was mainly aimed at the French consul, who was present at the celebration, because of his country's government insisting on publishing cartoons insulting Allah's Messenger - may peace be upon him- and the religion of Islam. Other diplomats who represent countries that are part of the international coalition against Islamic State have also been targeted.