
盛京時報 1933.02.21 by 中島真雄

Book Information

Title盛京時報 1933.02.21
Subject盛京時報, 盛京时报, 瀋陽, 奉天, 滿洲, China, Newspapers, Shenyang, 沈阳
Collectionshengjing-shibao-archive, newspapers
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The Shengjing Shibao (Shengjing Times) was a Chinese language newspaper founded in Shenyang (Fengtian 奉天/Shengjing 盛京/Mukden) by the Japanese journalist Nakajima Masao (中島真雄) in 1906. Its all-Japanese editorial staff included Kikuchi Teiji (菊池貞二) who wrote editorials under the pen name 傲霜庵. The articles themselves were written by the Chinese journalists on staff. The newspaper grew in popularity due to its supportive stance towards the 1911 revolution against the Qing dynasty but its offices were bombed in 1922 for its attacks the local warlord regime. The newspaper was sold to the Japanese South Manchuria Railway company in 1925 when Nakajima retired. By that time the newspaper had become one of the most read in northeastern China. After the establishment of a nominally independent Manchurian regime under Japanese occupation in 1932 the newspaper survived a consolidation of newspapers with the establishment of the Manchukuo Press Association in 1935 and became ever more narrowly an outlet for Japanese propaganda.