
Decoherence : theoretical, experimental, and conceptual problems : proceedings of a workshop held at Bielefeld, Germany, 10-14 November 1998 by Blanchard, Philippe

Book Information

TitleDecoherence : theoretical, experimental, and conceptual problems : proceedings of a workshop held at Bielefeld, Germany, 10-14 November 1998
CreatorBlanchard, Philippe
PublisherBerlin ; New York : Springer
SubjectCoherence (Nuclear physics), Quantum theory
Collectionfolkscanomy_miscellaneous, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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Decoherence: Theoretical, Experimental, and Conceptual Problems: Proceeding of a Workshop Held at Bielefeld, Germany, 10–14 November 1998Author: Philippe Blanchard, Erich Joos, Domenico Giulini, Clau Kiefer, Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg ISBN: 978-3-540-66899-2 DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46657-6Table of Contents:Elements of Environmental Decoherence The Meaning of Decoherence* Continuous Fuzzy Measurement of Energy: Realization and Application Slow Decoherence of Superpositions of Macroscopically Distinct States Grey Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates as Mesoscopic Particles Decoherence Through Coupling to the Radiation Field States, Symmetries and Superselection Decoherence in Situations Involving the Gravitational Field Moving Quantum Agents in a Finite Environment Mathematical Aspects of Decoherence Decoherence and Continuous Measurements: Phenomenology and Models The Problem of Decoherence and the EPR-Paradox Asymptotically Disjoint Quantum States Dynamical Localization and Decoherence Quantum Cryptography and Long Distance Bell Experiments: How to Control Decoherence Exploration of the Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics by Charged Particle Interferometry Single Ions in Paul Traps Time-Convolutionless Stochastic Unraveling of Non-Markovian Quantum Master Equations Emergence of Classicality: From Collapse Phenomenologies to Hybrid Dynamics EEQT - Formalism and Applications, Includes bibliographical references