
The Future Tem Merged by TK Ramchand

Book Information

TitleThe Future Tem Merged
CreatorTK Ramchand
SubjectSave mankind from holocaust and butchers
Collectionopensource, community
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Dedicated to all the MARTYRS, who, Though innocents, god stood quite helpless, to Save from more mighty fundamentalists, Religious-blind, mad, too mad terrorists! Save mankind from holocaust and butchers, Forever, and avoid need for stretchers! What we need is peace, and not mortuaries In thousand god’s names! Divine treacheries! Long back, if mad creatures some, did blunder! Religious madness stirred, forgetting his Humaneness, man would turn beast, in all his Brutish nature, to die for the cheater! If god created only one in each Sex; just think, who we are all in this batch! Aren’t we all brothers and sisters? How bad We kill each other in god’s name! Quite sad! Save THE MANKIND, from the clutches ‘F gods’ assistants, who enmity hatches! But, sacrifice of, Innocents, that’s scare! Only love that shun superstitions, pure!