
Encyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults by John Doe

Book Information

TitleEncyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults
PublisherNew York : Wiley
SubjectChildren with disabilities -- Education -- United States -- Encyclopedias, Special education -- United States -- Encyclopedias, People with disabilities -- Education -- United States -- Encyclopedias, Enfants handicapés -- Éducation -- États-Unis -- Dictionnaires anglais, Éducation spéciale -- États-Unis -- Dictionnaires anglais, Handicapés -- Éducation -- États-Unis -- Dictionnaires anglais, Children with disabilities -- Education, People with disabilities -- Education, Special education, Speciaal onderwijs, Éducation spéciale -- Encyclopédies et dictionnaires anglais -- États-Unis, Handicapés -- Éducation -- Encyclopédies et dictionnaires anglais -- États-Unis, Handicapped -- Education -- United States -- Encyclopedias, Handicapped children -- Education -- United States -- Encyclopedias, United States
ISBN047125309X, 9780471253099, 0471253235, 9780471253235, 0471253243, 9780471253242, 0471253251, 9780471253259
Collectiontrent_university, internetarchivebooks, printdisabled
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3 volumes : 29 cm, Alphabetical listing of over 2000 topics that include biographies, educational and psychological tests, interventions and service delivery, handicapping conditions, related services, legal matters, and miscellaneous. Intended for professionals and general public. Entries include narrative, references, contributor's name and institution, and cross references. Vol. 3 contains author and subject indexes, Includes bibliographical references and indexes, v. 1. AAAS to dystonia musculorum deformans (DMD) -- v. 2. Ear and hearing to overcorrection -- v. 3. Palmar crease to zygosity