
The Aryan Path Vol-VII No-4 by John Doe

Book Information

TitleThe Aryan Path Vol-VII No-4
PublisherTheosophy Co.(India), Ltd
SubjectTheosophy Company (Mysore) Pvt Ltd; Newsletter; Magazine;Theosophy;Aryan Path Sanchaya
CollectionServantsOfKnowledge, JaiGyan
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This Journal was envisioned and edited by the great visionary Shri B.P Wadia, whose life and works were inspired by original and unaltered Theosophy, as given out in the writings of Mdm. H.P Blavatsky and William Q Judge. With the lofty aim to "repeat for the modern era the great truths of the Ancient Records", he invited eminent thinkers, artists and philosophers to contribute articles on various subjects, which were reviewed by the Editor from the universal perspective of Theosophical Philosophy as indicator of solution to world problems. Even after a lapse of decades the ennobling ideas presented in the Journal seem relevant for all times, especially to the contemporary world which is in a transition state. Hence it was decided to reprint / digitise the first nine volumes and host the same on the internet for wider readership