
[We Never Became Weak] ما وهنا by John Doe

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Title[We Never Became Weak] ما وهنا
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ماوهنا ماوهنا We never became weak (We have not despaired) نحن احفاد المثنى We are the grand children of al Muthanna (We are the descendants of Al-Muthanna) في طريق المجد سرنا In the path of victory, we march (On the path of glory, we walked) أسالو التاريخ عنا Ask the history about us! مجدنا ذات السلاسل Our glory is the battle of chains (Our glory has series) عزنا اسور تستر Our greatness is on the wall of Rustam (our esteemed might is like shielding walls) واسالوا قصر المدائن And Ask the castle of Madaa’in إذا به القعقاع كبر When Al Qaqaa screamed Takbeer (When Qaqaa was shouting Takbeer therein)   لا نبالي لو أردنا خلع هامات الجبال We do not bother if we wanted to wrench the weight of the mountains (We are not concerned, if we wish to tear the tops of the mountains)   في سبيل الله سرنا عبر ساحات القتال In the path of Allah, we marched through the fields of battle. (On the path of Allah, we have walked through the fields of war) أيها التاريخ عدنا O History, we returned قد رجعنا من جديد we have returned again بالدماء قد كتبنا With blood we have written صفحة المجد التليد the new pages of glory اسألوا جند الصليب Ask the soldiers of the cross (Ask the armies of the crusaders) اسألوا جند التتار Ask the soldiers of the Tataar (Mongolians) (Ask the armies of the Tataar (Mongols) هل يئسنا من قتال ?Did we grow tired of fighting (?Did we renounce from fighting) أو كسرنا من حصار ?Or lost hope after siege (?Or have we been destroyed by siege) واذكروا فتحاً بمكة And remember the conquest of Makkah بعد صبراً وأنتظار After patience and wait طارق في وادي لكة Tariq (bin Ziyaad) in the valley of Lakkah (Battle of Guadalate) خاض أمواج البحار After fighting the storms of the Sea (penetrating the waves of the ocean) اسألوا ذات الصواري Ask the battle of Masts ماوهنا ماوهنا We never became weak (We have not despaired) نحن احفاد المثنى We are the grand children of al Muthanna (We are the descendants of Al-Muthanna) في طريق المجد سرنا In the path of victory, we march (On the path of glory, we walked) أسالو التاريخ عنا Ask the history about us! مجدنا ذات السلاسل Our glory is the battle of chains (Our glory has series) عزنا اسور تستر Our greatness is on the wall of Rustam (our esteemed might is like shielding walls) واسالوا قصر المدائن And Ask the castle of Madaa’in إذا به القعقاع كبر When Al Qaqaa screamed Takbeer (When Qaqaa was shouting Takbeer therein)   لا نبالي لو أردنا خلع هامات الجبال We do not bother if we wanted to wrench the weight of the mountains (We are not concerned, if we wish to tear the tops of the mountains)   في سبيل الله سرنا عبر ساحات القتال In the path of Allah, we marched through the fields of battle. (On the path of Allah, we have walked through the fields of war) أيها التاريخ عدنا O History, we returned قد رجعنا من جديد we have returned again بالدماء قد كتبنا With blood we have written صفحة المجد التليد the new pages of glory اسألوا جند الصليب Ask the soldiers of the cross (Ask the armies of the crusaders) اسألوا جند التتار Ask the soldiers of the Tataar (Mongolians) (Ask the armies of the Tataar (Mongols) هل يئسنا من قتال ?Did we grow tired of fighting (?Did we renounce from fighting) أو كسرنا من حصار ?Or lost hope after siege (?Or have we been destroyed by siege) واذكروا فتحاً بمكة And remember the conquest of Makkah بعد صبراً وأنتظار After patience and wait طارق في وادي لكة Tariq (bin Ziyaad) in the valley of Lakkah (Battle of Guadalate) خاض أمواج البحار After fighting the storms of the Sea (penetrating the waves of the ocean) اسألوا ذات الصواري Ask the battle of Masts (Ask the people of flagpoles) اسألوا عنا الصحاري As us about deserts (Ask the people of desert) نحن طلاب المعالي We are students of the ascension (We are seekers of heights) نحن رهبان الليالي We are the monks of the nights