
XBoard Mac 4.9.1 Makruk or Thai Chess Westernized Digital Chess Set by John Doe

Book Information

TitleXBoard Mac 4.9.1 Makruk or Thai Chess Westernized Digital Chess Set
SubjectXBoard, Makruk, Thai Chess, Westernized Chess Set
Collectionopen_source_software, community
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A Westernized digital chess set for the Thai Chess game variant Makruk, that can be used with the Mac OSX program XBoard version 4.9.1.  Useful for generating westernized Makruk chess diagrams.   Can be used with the Fairymax or HaChu chess engines in XBoard, which will contain a variant for Makruk.  The makruk variant can be accessed from the  File—>New Variants tab, after loading the fairymax or HaChu engines.To use this chess set,  right click on XBoard in the Mac OSX applications directory, and choose “show package contents.”  Then, in finder, click on the “contents” folder, then the “resources” folder, then the “share” folder, then the “xboard” folder, then the “themes” folder.  Copy the “xboard_makruk_digital_chess_set” folder and its contents to this “themes” folder.  Then, in the XBoard 4.9.1 application, after loading up the chess engines and selecting the makruk variants for both engines, goto the View—>Board option. In the Board window, at the bottom, check off the option to “use external piece bitmaps with their own colors,” and then below that select the “xboard_makruk_digital_chess_set” folder to be the directory with pieces images.