
Jesus the Sage by Sid Hall

Book Information

TitleJesus the Sage
CreatorSid Hall
Subjectsermon;trinity church of austin;series:jesus was a jew
Collectiontrinitychurchofaustin, audio_religion
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Jesus Was a Jew:“Jesus the Sage” by Sid HallReadings:Examples of Aphorisms from Jesus, with Commentary by Marcus J. BorgMarcus J. Borg, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time (1994), pp. 69-70For over two thousand years, we have been getting to know Jesus through theology, history, creeds, inquisitions, reformations, biblical stories, hymns, and personal experiences. Yet many of us have never been given the opportunity to explore in depth who Jesus was below the surface of myth and faith--to actually see him in the context of the rich and formative Judaism he lived. In this three part series, we will excavate powerful new ways to walk with Jesus in the spiritual paths of Sage, Revolutionary, and Visionary.Image: model of a Galilean man from Jesus' time by forensic anthropologist Richard Neave - based on an actual skull found in the regionPresented by Trinity Church of AustinOpen Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. No Exceptions.