
Trinity StoryCorps: Cam Burton by Cam Burton

Book Information

TitleTrinity StoryCorps: Cam Burton
CreatorCam Burton
Subjectsermon;trinity church of austin;series:trinity storycorps
Collectiontrinitychurchofaustin, audio_religion
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Trinity StoryCorps: Cam BurtonReadings:Mary Oliver, The JourneyNadia Bolz-Weber, Accidental Saints:Finding God in All the Wrong PeopleThere is perhaps nothing more transforming than a powerful story. StoryCorps, an organization whose aim is to record personal stories from ordinary people like you and me, states that their mission is “to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.” Since 2003, they have reminded us that every story matters and every voice counts. It is a way to pass wisdom from one generation to another and to leave a legacy for the future.What if we were to do the same thing for Trinity? What unique legacies will we leave? What common themes will emerge from our own rich stories?This week we will hear from Cam Burton, a hospital chaplain currently serving as the Coordinator for Spiritual Care at St. David’s South Austin Medical Center. He loves swimming pools, chocolate cake, Tex-Mex, and the Hall and Oates station on Pandora. Cam has lived in Austin with his husband Wade since 2010. He became a part of Trinity in 2018 and is in process of leaving the United Methodist Church to become ordained in the United Church of Christ.Presented by Trinity Church of AustinOpen Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. No Exceptions.