
Organize or Pay by Adolph Germer (1881-1966)

Book Information

TitleOrganize or Pay
CreatorAdolph Germer (1881-1966)
SubjectSocialism--United States; Marxism; Socialist Party of America; SPA; SPUSA; inflation; price fixing
Collectionfolkscanomy_politics, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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Organize or Pay! by Adolph Germer Socialist Party of America Organization Leaflet No. 1 January 1917 This, the first in a series of "Organization Leaflets" by the Socialist Party of America, could be one of the most banal pieces of propaganda literature in the history of the American socialist movement. SPA Executive Secretary Germer notes that some of his readers might have voted for the Democratic Presidential nominee, fearing the Republicans; others the Republican, fearing the Democrats. Only those who voted for Socialist Allan Benson (soon to desert the SPA over its war stance) voted for what they actually wanted, Germer declares. No matter how anyone voted, Germer asserts, food prices were going up rapidly, having been "fixed by a well organized group of food speculators." Germer urges that the workers themselves organize in the ranks of the Socialist Party, paying dues to the organization to keep it in the hands of it members themselves rather than "becoming an instrument of the masters of our bread." Leaflet not listed in OCLC WorldCat. Published by National Office, Socialist Party, Chicago. Published in USA prior to 1923, public domain.