
Winston Watson: Drawings and Paintings by ES

Book Information

TitleWinston Watson: Drawings and Paintings
PublisherES Verlag
SubjectFine art, painting, drawing, English art, contemporary art, abstract art, alchemy, pataphysics, art catalogues
Collectionopensource, community
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This work exhibits over twenty early drawings and paintings with their technical specifications by the English Swiss resident artist Edward Winston Watson (b. 1945). The majority are more or less abstract if not abstract expressionist in genre but there is one entitled Cat, that is easily recognizable as a cat. One finds small paintings on canvas or other surfaces such as The Secret of the Golden Flower or Yang-Yin, Death of Renfrew, Strange Cheese and Mercurial Rider. Some of the larger paintings include Polychromatic Phantasy, Attractant, Pan of Arcady, Exhaustion or Wakanda Painting, Preparatio, Humanity in the Forest, Metamorphosis, Neoteric Study and Tubular Fantasy Number Seven. Also in this virtual gallery are four drawings including Black and Red Contemplation, The Kiss and Looking into my Crystal as well as three painting done with fluorescent watercolour, viz. Torrefaction (the cover illustration), Tubes in the Dark and Roger Bacon's Alchemical Secret. The final exhibit is a sketch entitled Pataphysical Rain ß, intended by the artist to serve as a blueprint for a forthcoming painting.