
Young Worker - Vol 1 - No 2 by Max Shachtman (ed.)

Book Information

TitleYoung Worker - Vol 1 - No 2
CreatorMax Shachtman (ed.)
SubjectCommunism -- United States; Marxism -- United States; Radicalism; Youth Movement; Young Workers League of America; YWLA; YWL; Yowls; Young Communist League of America; YCLA; YCL; Communist Party USA; CPUSA; Workers Party of America (WPA)
Collectionfolkscanomy_politics, folkscanomy, additional_collections
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The Young Worker: Official Organ of the Young Workers League Volume 1, Number 2 (March-April 1922). Published by the Young Workers League, New York. Max Shachtman, editor. Contents: Max Shachtman: "Editorial: Our National Organ." Max Shachtman: "Editorial: International of Youth." Max Shachtman: "Editorial: To Work!" Harry Gannes: "They Do the Dirty Work." "The Morals of the Movies: A Review of the Arbuckle Case." Ernest Todd: "Spring" (poem). Nat Kaminsky: "A Page of Class Struggle" (Albany streetcar strike). Oliver Carlson: "The League in Action." "Manifesto and Program (Tentative Draft): Submitted by the National Organization Committee of the YWL." "Constitution: Tentative Draft. Basis for Organizing Branches of the YWL." "Greetings from the Young Communist International." "Spread the Message." "Convention Call." Uploaded by Tim Davenport ("Carrite") on July 9, 2013. Non-commercial reproduction permitted.