
A Course Of Theoretical Physics Vol. 2 Statistical Laws by A. S. Kompaneyets

Book Information

TitleA Course Of Theoretical Physics Vol. 2 Statistical Laws
CreatorA. S. Kompaneyets
Subjectmirtitles, mir publishers, physics, theoretical, statistical laws, physical kinetics, statistical physics, hydrodynamics, gas dynamics, electrodynamics of continuous media
Collectionmir-titles, additional_collections
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Volume 2 of this course of theoretical physics deals with statistical laws, the basic structure remains essentially the same. The author has selected those topics he felt to be of general interest. The book includes, for instance, sections on fluctuations, Gibbs statistics, detonation waves, ferromagnetism, and the theory of semiconductors. Statistical laws can be read by a student who has had courses in classical mechanics, electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics. Numerous exercises combine with the masterly coverage of the subject to make statistical laws an essential text for university and college students.Alexander S. Kompaneyets (1914-1974)Professor Alexander Solomonovich Kompaneyets was a leading Soviet theoretical physicist from 1946 Until his untimely death he worked at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, contributing, among other things, to the development of nuclear energy in the Soviet Union in all its aspects.The book was translated from the Russian by V. Talmy and was pubilshed by Mir in 1978.