
Astronomy ( Popular Science Booklet Series) by Z. Shunwu

Book Information

TitleAstronomy ( Popular Science Booklet Series)
CreatorZ. Shunwu
PublisherChina Science and Technology Press
Subjectpopular science, astronomy, planets, stars, earth
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The booklet, written in simple everyday language, could give the readers a preliminary but useful knowledge of the in­ finite universe and what exist in it, including especially our own Earth, her sisters in the solar system and her own satellite the moon. Within limited space the author also leads his readers into the mysteries concerning the galaxies and the stars, among which are our own sun and such mirac­ ulous heavenly bodies as pulsers and quasars. He goes on to tell how the world's researchers arc trying to find and to contact the living and intellectual beings that mightexist elsewhere than the planet we ourselves inhabit. Con­ cise lile stories of some notable astronomers, either Chi­ nese or foreign, help to make this booklet more interesting to everyone who has had junior secondary education and many self-educators as well. The illustrations are as in­ formative as vivid.ASTRONOMY is one of the "Popular Science Book­ let Scries" which has a total of twelve booklets, namely: Mechanism, Sound, Heat, Electricity. Air and Water. Light, Astronomy, The Earth’s Crust, Meteorology, Animal, Plant and Hygiene.Translator: Du Youliang