
Introduction To Physics by A. Kitagorodsky

Book Information

TitleIntroduction To Physics
CreatorA. Kitagorodsky
Subjectphysics, mechanics, dynamics, electrodynamics, magnetism, kinetic theory, entropy, thermodynamics. quantum, phase transformations
Collectionmir-titles, additional_collections
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The book is divided into three main sections, namely, Mechanical and Thermal Motion, Electromagnetic Fields, Structure and Properties of Matter.The book was published by Foreign Languages Publishing House in 1966 and was translated from the Russian by O. Smith, the design of the book was done by V. Dober. The detailed table of contents is belowPART ONE MECHANICAL AND THERMAL MOTIONChapter I The Fundamental Law of MechanicsChapter II. Mechanical EnergyChapter III. MomentumChapter IV. Rotation of a Rigid BodyChapter V. Vibrations Chapter VI. Traveling WavesChapter VII. Standing WavesChapter VIII. AcousticsChapter IX. Temperature and Heat Chapter X. Thermodynamic ProcessesChapter  XI EntropyChapter XII. Kinetic Theory of Gases Chapter XIII. Processes of Transition to EquilibriumPART TWO ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSChapter XIV. Electric FieldsChapter XV. Magnetic FieldsChapter XVI. Electromagnetic Fields. Maxwell's Equations Chapter XVII Energy Transformations Electromagnetic FieldsChapter XVIII Electromagnetic RadiationChapter XlX. Propagation of Electromagnetic WavesChapter XX . Interference PhenomenaChapter XXI. ScatteringChapter XXII. Diffraction of X-Rays by CrystalsChapter XXIII. Double RefractionChapter X X IV. The Theory of Relativity Chapter X XV. The Quantum Nature of a FieldPART THREE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MATTERChapter XXV /. Streams of Charged ParticlesChapter XXV II. The Wave Properties of Microparticles Chapter XXVIII. Atomic StructureChapter XXIX. Molecules Chapter XXX. Atomic NucleiChapter XXXI. Nuclear TransformationsChapter XXXII. Atomic Structure of BodiesChapter XXXIII. Phase TransformationsChapter XXXIV. Deformations of BodiesChapter  XXXV. DielectricsChapter XXXVI. Magnetic.Substances Chapter XXXVII. Effect of Electron Structure on Properties of Bodies Appendix 705Subject Index 713