
Agrarian India Between The World Wars by Rostislav Ulyanovsky

Book Information

TitleAgrarian India Between The World Wars
CreatorRostislav Ulyanovsky
Subjecteconomics, colonialism, sociology, agriculture, history, trade, commerce, capitalism
Collectionmir-titles, additional_collections
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In this book, the author has tried to present an integral work studying one of the most critical periods of and a turn­ing point in the colonial exploitation of India by British impe­rialism-that of the pre-crisis "flourishing" and the develop­ment of the world economic crisis from the end of the 1920s to almost the mid-1930s. The socio-economic analysis in this work discloses the evolution of India's agrarian structure. It covers chiefly the period between the two world wars, which was one of persistent and nation-wide anti-imperialist strug­gle and, in a number of Indian provinces, also.of an anti-feu­dal movement among the peasantry. It should be noted that it is precisely this period that is covered at best fragmentarily in contemporary socio-economic literature.