
The Commandant Of Bird Island by Dikovsky

Book Information

TitleThe Commandant Of Bird Island
PublisherForeign Languages Publishing House
Subjectsoviet literature, adventure, stories, sailors, ships
Collectionmir-titles, additional_collections
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An extremely rare collection of short stories by Sergei Vladimirovich Dikovsky, translated into English and intended for export.The collection takes its name from one of the presented works "The Commandant of Bird Island", which was written by the author in 1939. It tells the story of a sailor from the Soviet border boat "Bold", whose team detains a Japanese vessel with saboteurs near Kamchatka. They take the ship in tow, leaving two sailors on it, one of whom falls overboard during a fight with a Japanese who cut the rope connecting the ships. During an unexpected storm, the ship breaks up, and the remaining Soviet sailor Kositsyn and the Japanese get to an uninhabited island, where our sailor, without sleep and without a minute of rest, will have to confront seven Japanese saboteurs. And so, until help comes...The edition includes 5 stories, such as "Patriots" (1937) and "The End of Sago Maru" (1938), and is also accompanied by a small number of illustrations.The book was translated from Russian by N. Kaye, edited by L. Stoklitsky, illustrations by E. Burgunker. The book was published in1947 by Foreign Languages Publishing House.