
Bright'€™s single stem, dwarf and renewal system of grape culture, adapted to the vineyard, the grapery, and the fruiting of vines in pots, on trellises, arbors, etc. by William Bright

Book Information

TitleBright'€™s single stem, dwarf and renewal system of grape culture, adapted to the vineyard, the grapery, and the fruiting of vines in pots, on trellises, arbors, etc.
CreatorWilliam Bright
PublisherPublished by the author
SubjectGrape;Grapes;Vitis; Fruit; Fruit Culture; Viticulture; Agriculture; Horticulture; Science; Botany; Biology; Plant; Food; Wine; American Wine; Enology; Oenology; Wein; Vin; Vineyard; Vineyardist; Nursery; Nurseryman; Nurserymen; Fertilizer; Manure; Quince; Pear; Philadelphia; Berry; Berries; Cluster; Trellis; Veraison; Table Grape; Bunch; Cane; Canopy; Cordon; Graft; Phylloxera; Pip; Labrusca;
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By William Bright, Logan Nursery, Philadelphia, PA. Published by the author. New York: C.M. Saxton, Barker & Co. (Pile & McElroy, Printers.) First edition 1860. 123 numbered pages, contains advertisements and appendices. Scanned from the print copy held in the rare book collection of Cornell's Frank A. Lee Library, NYSAES, Geneva NY.